Per chi se la cava con la lingua inglese, non è male sfogliarlo e rendersi conto di come funzionano le cose laggiù, ameno da questo punto di vista. E' possibile ricevere la rivista per abbonamento anche in Italia. Il costo per un anno è di 40 dollari, ovvero circa 25 euro, ed esce ogni due mesi. Dai prossimi mesi sarà possibile anche abbonarsi allo stesso prezzo dei lettori statunitensi (circa 20 dollari) e ricevere la versione on line. Il che significa risparmio di carta e di trasporto, vantaggi nella puntualità nel ricevere il giornale nella propria casella di posta elettronica.
Ecco alcune recensioni sul magazine tratte dal loro sito:
I was just sitting here thinking about the progress I've made with my humane education endeavors and realized (for the 100th time at least!) that it would not have been possible without having had the opportunity to write for VegNews. Authoring "Dani's Diary" has given me a newfound confidence in my skills and goals and has represented the perfect professional networking resource for teachers, activists and other humane educators.
--Dani Dennenberg Founder of Seeds of Change Humane Education and VegNews Columnist
I just wanted to drop you a quick note applauding your great work with VegNews. I got the latest edition last week and read every single article. The ads are wonderful, too. Nothing like reading a newspaper GEARED for vegetarians and vegans. You're doing a magnificent job. Kudos!!
--Johanna McCloy Actress and founder of the Soy Happy Campaign
Keep up the great work; I read every issue from cover-to-cover, and they are disseminated to my students in all of my classes. I have even taken some of the leftover older issues and dropped them off at neighboring natural food stores.
--Mimi Clark Founder and owner of The Veggie Gourmet Culinary School
The movement at long last has its own monthly newspaper: VegNews. When they asked me to be on their Board of Advisors, I agreed with some reluctance, since I was afraid the paper would be an underfunded mediocrity. My fears could not have been more unfounded. It's a terrific paper, and each month is full of the best veggie news going. A vibrant veggie movement needs a vibrant newspaper, run by smart and idealistic people who really care. You'll love this newspaper.
--Erik Marcus Author of Vegan: The New Ethics of Eating